OrderCup Insurance

If you have not yet set up your Master Shipping Account (MSA), please set it up by following the instructions at Solutions --> Shipping --> Shipping Accounts --> Master Shipping Account (MSA)

To set up OrderCup Insurance, you need to first enable it in your Master Shipping Account (MSA) so you can pay for your shipping insurance.

  1. Go to Settings --> select "Insurance"
  2. Next, set your default insurance rules a described in the next paragraph. (Remember, these are default rules, meaning, you can always change or remove insurance for a particular shipment at the point of shipping. The default rules are simply for automating your tasks as much as possible).

  1. In the section, 'Insurance Rules', check the box for 'Automatically insure packages based on rules below', and click on 'Setup Rules for Insuring Packages'.  In the dialog box that pops up, try out the different rules that we have enabled to automate your insurance needs, and when you have found the rule set that you like best, save it by clicking the small 'Ok' button.
  2. If you Agree to the Terms of Service, check I Agree  the last box, and click the Save button. 

$1 Insurance

OrderCup Insurance allows you to cover a package for it's entire value i.e. insurance where the shipment is completely insured by OrderCup beginning with the first $ of insurable value. To opt for this feature simply check $1 Insurance and Save settings.

Note:  You can view all  your insured packages in the "Packages" section (if you have shipped packages, you will be able to scroll to the RIGHT and see the insured packages, insurance cost, etc.)


1. You cannot insure packages to these excluded countries:

"Excluded countries are: Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Burma, Iran, Iraq, Congo, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Paraguay, Somalia, Syria, Zimbabwe, Russia, Ukraine, and any other Country that is or may become Embargoed by the United States or United Nations as sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)"