Here are the steps for setting up your Magento Store in OrderCup.

NOTE: These instructions are for a Magneto store [not a Magento 2 store]. If you have a Magento 2 store, please search our Knowlesgebase for 'Magento 2'  and follow the instructions in 'Set up your Magento 2 store'.

1. Login to you Magento store Admin

2. Go to System --> Web Services --> SOAP/XML-RPC - Users

3.  Click the Add New User button

4. Fill-in the form. Not that API key is like a password. You need to remember the API Key set here.  The User name & API Key set here have to be configured in the Magento Store on OrderCup side. Save the user by clicking the Save User button.

5. Now you need to create a role with permissions and assign the role to the user created above.

5. Select System --> Web Services --> SOAP/XML-RPC - Roles

6. Click on the Add New Role button

7. Enter a name for the role say OrderCup and click the Save Role button

8. Now click the Role Resources link on the left hand side.

9. Select All in the Resource Access drop down and click Save Role. The role is now created with the required permissions.

10. Now, go to System --> Web Services --> SOAP/XML-RPC - Users. Select the user by clicking on the User name i.e. nilesh in above.

11. Click on the User Role link on the left hand side. Select the role and click Save User button.

For New Store

1. Select cart as Magento from Select Cart dropdown

2. Fill all the necessary details

3. Enter API Username and API key and click Save

Updating Store Details

You can update store details by visiting Settings -> Stores -> Details  and update all necessary information and click Save

Note: Please make sure to use the entire URL up to the /admin.