
You need to set up a Payment Method in OrderCup to pay for your usage or to pay for shipping related charges (OrderCup carrier labels, insurance, etc.). At this time, the payment methods we accept are Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bank Accounts or PayPal.

For usage billing, the ONLY option is to pay via a Credit Card or Debit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express) or a PayPal Account. 

For shipping related charges, you have the option to pay via any of the options mentioned above - Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Account or PayPal. We are able to provide you significantly discounted shipping rates by virtue of our ability to obtain discounts from the carriers because of our consolidated shipping volume across our entire user base. So in essence, you pay OrderCup, and we pay the shipping carrier or provider (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Canada Post, Sendle, etc. or our Insurance Provider).

However, OrderCup incurs varying levels of payment processing fees to process these transactions, based on the payment method.  In some cases, along with the shipping discounts we provide, we pass these payment processing fees to our users. 

Payment Options

We describe the various payment options below, along with their pros and cons. 

Option 1: Via Credit Card or Debit Card

NOTE: This is the only option for accounts outside US.

Credit or Debit Card transactions have the following attributes:

  • $20,000 maximum per transaction, up to credit limit
  • Pros: Immediate credit to your account
  • Cons: Payment processing fee of 3% (currently)

Option 2: Via Bank Account (ACH)

Bank Account (ACH) transactions have the following attributes:

  • $20,000 per transaction (maximum $40,000 per week)
  • Pros:  No Payment Processing fee (we absorb the fee!)
  • Cons: The time to credit your account is normally 4 business days

Option 3: Via Paypal Account

Paypal Account transactions have the following attributes:

  • Per Account transaction limit.
  • Pros:  Support multiple currencies like USD, GBP,  EUR, AUD, etc.
  • Cons: Payment processing fee of 3% (currently)


  1. Credit Cards can be used as a Payment Method for OrderCup Usage Billing (there is no transaction fee for this)
  2. You can obtain immediate credit for your Bank Account ACH transactions (vs the normal 4 business days) as described below.

Immediate Credit with Secured Bank Account Transactions

Bank Account (ACH) transactions normally take four business days to settle and be credited to your OrderCup AccountHowever, you can receive immediate credit for your Bank Account transactions if you secure them with a linked credit card - these are referred to as Secured Bank Account Transactions. If you do, we will obtain an authorization on your credit card for the amount of the Bank Account transaction amount plus a 3% transaction fee. If the Bank Account transaction is declined for any reason, we will charge your credit card this amount. If the credit card authorization fails, the Bank account transaction will settle normally and be credited in 3 business days.

To initiate Secured Bank Account Transactions, you need to link a CC to your Bank Account using the steps below: 


  1. Click Settings  Payment Methods → Bank Account
  2. Select the Bank Account for which you want Secured transactions in the Select a Bank Account drop-down
  3. In the Immediate Credit section, choose the Credit Card  you want to link to the selected Bank Account from Select a Credit Card  drop-down (see screenshot below-
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom

Payment Method Verification

Payment Methods have to be verified in before they can be used in OrderCup. OrderCup does a deep multilevel authentication to prevent unauthorized and fraudulent use. The procedure to verify them is outlined below.

Credit Cards

  1. Click Settings Payment methods  → Credit Card                                                                                                                                                                               
  2. Enter your credit card information. (Be sure to enter every field exactly as in your credit card account, or you will fail the credit check! ) Click the “Save/Next” button, which begins the authentication process in the background.

  3. After all the information is entered click save.
  4. On the next screen make sure to select what the card will be used for (usage billing, Master shipping account.) and click save.

Note: If your credit card is not getting verified for any reason, or if you have a non-US credit card, we will need to do a “Manual Verification”. In that case, please create a support ticket for a manual verification (by clicking on the ‘Support’ link on (The ? ) the top right) and include your full name, direct phone number, best time to reach you, your city, and your time zone. We will contact you to perform a manual verification.

Paypal Account

  1. Click Settings Payment methods  → Paypal Account                                                                                                                                                                            
  2. Click the button that says, 'Authenticate OrderCup'. (This will take you to Paypal to sign in. Once you are in Paypal, click on the "Grant Permission" button, and you will come back to this screen.).


    Here is a sample screenshot of the completed payment method.

Select what you want paypal to be used for (usage billing, Master shipping account) and click save