OrderCup has the ability to have multiple users with different privileges within an account. When you create an account with OrderCup, the user that creates the account is automatically the owner of the account and has all privileges. The owner can create other users and transfer ownership to another user but there can be only one owner.
There are 4 levels of users with an OrderCup Account.
1. Owner: Has all permissions.
2. Administrator: Can create other users and make system changes (cannot view or manage payment methods.)
3. Regular: Has access to all shipping functions, but cannot modify most settings.
4. Associate: Has access to only the shipping functions.
Maintain Users
You can manage the users for your Account under Settings --> Account --> Users.
1. To Create a New User:
a. Click on 'New' button.
b. Fill in the User attributes on the Form
- Username': Must be 6 characters or more in length (and unique within OrderCup)
- Password: Must be 6 characters or more in length.
- First, Middle, Last Name
- Phone Number
c. Click 'New' to create the new user.
2. Edit an existing user.
a. Select only one a user grid by marking checkbox as checked.
b. Click the 'Edit' button at top of the screen.
c. Change any of the user attributes as needed on the Form.
d. Click Save.
3. Delete an existing user.
a. Select a user from the user grid.
b. Click the Delete button
c. Click on on the confirm box.
4. View a user
a. Click on Settings --> Account --> Users.
b. Select the user from the users grid by marking check box on users grid and click on edit button or by clicking on username link in grid - this displays the user's details.

User Privileges
1. User Privileges
a. Owner user privilege will give a user full visibility of Ordercup, including the ability to read, write and manage all tabs, menus, settings, reports
b. Administrator user privilege will give a user full visibility of Ordercup, including the ability to read, write and manage all tabs, menus, settings, reports except payment methods
c. Regular user privilege will only get a limited visibility, ie. only read access to certain portions of Ordercup like shipping accounts, payment information, etc. account related information like financial reports, accounts are under Account section, read only.
d. Affiliate users can only ship.