Creating a WooCommerce Store

You can create an WooCommerce store by using the New Store wizard:

  1. On the home icon, click Launch setup button.

  2. Click the configure button.

  3. Select the Shopping Cart (WooCommerce) form the list of support carts

  4. Follow the wizard to define and set up your store for that cart

Note: You can have multiple stores for any given cart or across supported carts.

The screenshots below show the Woocommerce Store creation wizard steps.

1. From the OrderCup Home page, click the Launch Setup button.

2. This will launch the Woocommerce Store creation wizard, which has three steps.

Step 1

Click the Woocommerce icon  from the list of store icons. 

Step 2

Fill in the Store details in the Form and click the Next button.

Step 3

Follow the instructions to generate and populate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret [the next section provides detailed step by step instructions].

Generating the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in WooCommerce

Here are the steps to generate your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in your Wooocmerce Store Admin.

1. Login to your Woocommerce Store Admin

2. From the Admin dashboard, click on Woocommerce, then Settings
3. Click on Rest API or Legacy API as needed, based on your Woocommercer Store version [see Note below].

NOTE: The Rest API is supported for Woocommerce version 3.4 or later. if you are on a Woocommerce version lower the 3.4, select Legacy API.

4. After selecting one of the API options, go to the Advanced options page. It will show you the API option you have selected. Now you will need to add a new key by clicking the Add Key button.

5. That will display the page shown below. Specify a name for your new key. We recommend using OrderCup but you can use any name you like.

6. Set the permissions to Read/Write in the permissions dropdown. 

7. Now click the Generate API Key button.

8. Once the two generated API Keya appear, copy and paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in the correponding fields in Step 3 of the Store creation wizard  shown earlier.