Signature Options

FedEx offers a range of signature options (aka Delivery Confirmation).

Because options differ based on the recipient address (whether the shipment is to a residence or to a commercial address), what prints on the labels (and what the fees are) can vary for the same shipment. Please be sure to contact FedEx if there are any questions in these regards!

Ground & Express shipments to commercial addresses:

--> Indirect Signature is the service default. There is no mention of "indirect signature" on the label

-->Selecting "No Signature" or "Indirect Signature" is typically the same cost, as the Indirect Signature option is included in the base price of the shipment.

Ground & Express shipments to residential addresses:

--> Indirect Signature is an additional cost service. The label indicates "indirect signature" (or something similar)

 Note: When shipping to a residence, set the service to FedEx Home Delivery, (or go into Settings | Shipping Settings | Address Validation and enable at least Basic in order for ShipRush Web to set the service correctly to Home Delivery for you when you're shipping.)

Please be sure to contact FedEx if there are any questions in these regards!

FedEx provides this information here:

Here is this material as available in early 2015:

 Note that the Indirect Signature option is only available for "nonresidential addresses." What this means: If the shipment is going to a business (aka a commercial address), FedEx will collect a signature anyway, as part of the base service. There is no charge or option needed. Collecting an indirect signature is the "service default" signature service for shipments to businesses (aka a commercial address).

Dry Ice Option


FedEx One Rate

Saturday Delivery

Hold at Location

Additional Handling Surcharge

Express Package and Ground Services

A surcharge applies to any package that:


1) measures greater than 48 inches along its longest side;2

2) measures greater than 30 inches along its second-longest side;


3) has an actual weight greater than 70 lbs.;


4) is not fully encased in an outer shipping container;

5) is encased in an outer shipping container not made of corrugated fiberboard

(cardboard) materials, including but not limited to metal, wood, canvas, leather, hard

plastic, soft plastic (e.g., plastic bags) or expanded polystyrene foam (e.g., Styrofoam);

6) is encased in an outer shipping container covered in shrink wrap or stretch wrap;

7) is encased in a soft-sided pack (e.g., courier packs, poly bags and bubble mailers)

that exceeds 18 inches along its longest side or 13 inches along its second-longest

side or 5 inches in height;

8) is cylindrical, including (without limitation) mailing tubes, cans, buckets, barrels,

drums or pails;

9) is bound with metal, plastic or cloth banding, or has wheels, casters, handles, or

straps (including packages where the outer surface area is loosely wrapped, or

where the contents protrude outside the surface area); or

10) could become entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx

sortation system.

Package shape and dimensions may change during transit, which can affect the package’s

dimensional weight and surcharge eligibility. If the dimensions change during transit,

FedEx may make appropriate adjustments to the shipment charges at any time. For U.S.

express and ground services, this surcharge applies per piece even if multiple pieces are

bundled in a shipment. We reserve the right to assess additional handling charges for

packages that require special handling or that require FedEx to apply additional packaging

during transit.