On the shipment Details page, You can set the preferences that you want the confirmation popup to perform for your order. You can set the preferences from the shipment confirmation popup or from the Settings, Stores, Details, page.

  1. From shipment confirmation popup.

    In the following image, you can see that there is a checkbox beneath the buttons in the popup. While performing the action such as "Yes, update cart_name and close order", "Yes, update cart_name" or close the popup, if you check this checkbox it will remember the action and perform it next time you try to generate the label.

  2. From Settings Store Details page.

    In the following image, you will see that there is a section for Automated settings. In this section, you can find a section for setting/changing the preferences, that you wish to happen the next time when you try to generate the label for any order from the shipment page. Any of these actions will be carried out only if the checkbox is selected.

    Here you can see that there are three options:
    1. Yes. update cart and close order

      This option is used to automatically update the cart and close the order, on the click of "Print Label" on the shipment page.

    2. Yes, update cart

      This option simply updates the cart but do not close the order, on the click of "Print Label" on the shipment page.

    3. Do nothing

      This option will print the label for you but neither update the cart nore close the order.