If you are currently shipping your Amazon Seller Central orders in OrderCup, we access and update your information via Amazon’s Marketplace Web Services API [MWS API}. Amazon and OrderCup will be migrating from the current MWS API to the new Selling Partner API [SP-API] on August 29th. The SP-API is a REST-based API that can help selling partners grow their business by increasing selling efficiency, reducing labor requirements, and improving response time to customers.
In order to continue shipping your Amazon orders in OrderCup after this date, you will need to take action. Specifically you will need to: reauthorize OrderCup to access your Amazon store via the SP API.
NOTE: If you don't take action, you will not be able to ship in OC after August 29, 2022.
The steps to Authorize OrderCup are outlined below:.
Login to OrderCup.
Make sure you selected your Amazon store.
Go To Settings → Stores → Details.
Click the ‘Migrate to SP-API’ link.
You will be redirected to your Amazon Seller Central login page.
Login to your Amazon Seller Central account.
You will be taken to the page to Authorize OrderCup
Check the checkbox that directs Amazon to provide OrderCup access to your Amazon account and click the Confirm button.
You will be redirected back to OrderCup.
NOTE: If the update has been done the link will read Re-Authorize OrderCup.
As always, we are there to help if needed. Any questions or concerns, please contact OrderCup Support at [email protected].
Happy Shipping!
The OrderCup Team